So I found a blog engine...

So I found a blog engine that will run on ASP.NET. Why? So I can run it from my own server, which is the very slow piece of hardware trying to serve you these pages.

I don’t think anyone cares or should care what I write here. It’s mainly a place for me to organize my random thoughts about various subjects, though most will be about computer programming. I don’t intend to keep any sort of updating schedule, nor can I say for sure this project will not wither and die over the next few months like the rest of my projects.

If you feel like following me then go ahead. It will be an irregular ride.

(note: I have disabled all comments as I do not want to bother with spammers and moderating posts. Yet it still displays the “comments” section on the bottom of each post. I’ll have to see if I can get rid of that.)