So I published a paper...

When I acquired my Master’s degree, I did so by writing and defending a thesis containing original research. Now, almost exactly two years later, I’m pleased to say that we’ve managed to write a paper out of it that has been accepted into LWDM 2015: the 5th International Workshop on Linked Web Data Management.

It’s been titled “An Extensible Framework for Query Optimization on TripleT-based RDF Stores”, and I’ve co-written it with George Fletcher (my thesis advisor) and James Lu. You can find the paper in the Proceedings of the Workshops of the EDBT/ICDT 2015 Joint Conference [1].

So I guess this means that, despite ultimately having limited interest in academia and considering myself much more of an engineer, I am now technically speaking a published scientist.

That’s kinda cool.

I wonder what my Erdös number is…