Le Nouveau Site

If my site looks any different today: don’t be alarmed. This is normal. This is what it looks like now. I’ve completely rebuilt it from the ground up, and it’s better than ever.

Primary changes:

  • Completely new backend (though still based on ASP.NET MVC 5).
  • Uses a MySql database, instead of Xml files for storage.
  • Fully integrates the blog and file management system into the site’s CMS.
  • New, simple, responsive design.

This also means I’ve said my goodbyes to my old blog, which was powered by BlogEngine.NET and ran on a separate domain. I’ve been importing all of the old content from that blog into this one. It was pretty bad reading some of those older posts again. It seems I was so desperate back then to write anything, that I created posts just for the sake of filling my blog, and not because I had anything terribly interesting to say. Lesson learned: quality, not quantity. Oh well…