Recent posts

Let's build a gaming PC

What better way to spend the summer than staying indoors to play video games? Such ancient wisdom is at the heart of my most recent purchase(s). After owning nothing but laptops for close to a decade, I’ve finally decided to build a gaming PC.  read full post

Le Nouveau Site

If my site looks any different today: don’t be alarmed. This is normal. This is what it looks like now. I’ve completely rebuilt it from the ground up, and it’s better than ever.  read full post

Don't just teach languages; teach ecosystems

Learning a new programming language is pretty easy. Using any of a number of freely available online tutorials, you can pick up a new language within a week. The only problem is that after doing so, you still don’t know jack. Sure, you now know how to write a for loop in Python, and how array slicing works. But if someone were to ask you to implement a simple REST webservice with a MySql backend running on a Windows Server environment, you wouldn’t even know where to start.  read full post

Building Blazer, part 2

We continue work on Blazer, our high-performance ADO.NET wrapper.  read full post

Building Blazer, part 1

I was looking at light-weight alternatives to Entity Framework the other day, and it sparked the idea of writing my own simple little data access library. I don’t intent to build an entire ORM; rather I like the idea of just making raw ADO.NET a bit easier to use. Normally running a query through ADO.NET requires quite a bit of legwork. For instance, this is a simple query just for fetching a single record from a database:  read full post

So I published a paper...

When I acquired my Master’s degree, I did so by writing and defending a thesis containing original research. Now, almost exactly two years later, I’m pleased to say that we’ve managed to write a paper out of it that has been accepted into LWDM 2015: the 5th International Workshop on Linked Web Data Management.  read full post

FastArg: a look at the code

In a previous post I’ve discussed FastArg, a small utility for efficiently handling command-line arguments. Today I’ll briefly go over the code behind the tool. I’ll also include a full code listing.  read full post