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I hate the Windows 8 UI

Long-term search engine bots crawling this blog may remember the post I made about the Windows 8 Developer Preview, back when it was released in October. In it, I questioned the usability of the Metro UI on non-touch devices. I’ll be brief: the Consumer Preview, released a few days ago, does not remove my doubts. On the contrary: it makes them stronger, because it is becoming apparent that this is really what the Windows 8 experience is going to be. At this stage, it is unlikely that Microsoft is going to make any of the invasive changes needed to fix the usability nightmare that is Windows 8 on a non-touch device.  read full post

The FizzBuzz test

The FizzBuzz test is a fairly straightforward programming question that is (apparently) sometimes used during job interviews. The question goes like so:  read full post

Project Euler: Problem 9

Another Euler problem to take on:  read full post

Project Euler: Problem 8

Here is the next Euler problem:  read full post

Project Euler: Problem 7

Continuing the Euler adventure, here is problem 7:  read full post

A fresh new layout

I’ve changed my blog’s layout from a dark simplistic style to a light simplistic style. Whether or not you consider this an upgrade or a downgrade is up to you.  read full post

Range queries in Google

When using Google to search for stuff, most of the time you’re just throwing keywords at it. But it can do much, much more. Here’s a neat little feature most people don’t know of (because let’s face it, it doesn’t have an awful lot of uses): range queries. What are range queries? Well, it’s a fairly common data retrieval task, where you want all records where some value is between an upper and a lower bound.  read full post