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A fresh new layout
I’ve changed my blog’s layout from a dark simplistic style to a light simplistic style. Whether or not you consider this an upgrade or a downgrade is up to you. read full post
Range queries in Google
When using Google to search for stuff, most of the time you’re just throwing keywords at it. But it can do much, much more. Here’s a neat little feature most people don’t know of (because let’s face it, it doesn’t have an awful lot of uses): range queries. What are range queries? Well, it’s a fairly common data retrieval task, where you want all records where some value is between an upper and a lower bound. read full post
Some quines in C#
In computer programming, a quine is a program which produces a copy of its own source code as its output. They serve absolutely no purpose, but it is sometimes considered a challenge to see which is the shortest or the most complicated quine someone can produce for a given language. read full post
Project Euler: Problem 6
Alright, so yesterday’s Euler problem didn’t really count. Here’s another one: read full post
Project Euler: Problem 5
Euler problem 5 asks the following: read full post
Project Euler: Problem 4
Time for another Project Euler problem: read full post
Visual Studio color schemes
Is it me, or can any piece of code be made to look better simply by viewing it in the correct color scheme? read full post