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Project Euler: Problem 1

As a way of challenging myself, I though a good project which will keep me occupied for the next year (and probably beyond that) would be to take a crack at Project Euler. Project Euler provides a series of problems which can be solved through a combination of math and programming skills. The problems range from difficult to extremely difficult and they tend to lean more towards math than towards programming, so most of them will probably be out of my league, but I’ll find that out as I go along. I’ll also be exclusively using F# and C# to solve the problems, as these are my favorite languages and I would like to learn new things in them.  read full post

Happy new year!

A very happy new year to all 9 unique visitors to my blog!  read full post

A brainfuck interpreter in C#

You know you’re spending your nights correctly if it’s suddenly 1:30 in the morning and you’ve just spent the last several hours not only writing a brainfuck interpreter, but also programs in brainfuck for that interpreter. For the uninitiated, brainfuck is a minimalistic toy language which is both amusing and completely unpractical (although is it Turing-complete).  read full post

Polymorphic C#: override vs. new

An important part of polymorphism in C# is the virtual keyword, which allows you to mark methods, properties, or events as being overridable in derived classes. I came across this nice puzzle which helps explain the difference between the new and the override keywords:  read full post

Building an array from functions

I’ve been working with lambda expressions lately for a project, and one of the things I needed to do was use them to build a basic array data structure. Out of sheer boredom, I wondered if I could translate this to C#, because hey, why not? Turns out I can, very easily actually. Here’s how it goes:  read full post

String swapping

It’s a very basic question: given two strings a and b, how would you swap their values?  read full post

Asus Eee Note EA800: unboxing and first impressions

Shipping from Taiwan: 2 days. Time spent lying around customs and post office warehouses (slackers!): 2 weeks. Oh well, it’s here now. Time to unpack!  read full post