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Windows 8: for touchscreens only

So I’ve been playing around with the developer preview of Windows 8, and I must say I am impressed. However, here’s one thing I noticed immediately: Windows 8 is aimed at touchscreens, and touchscreens only.  read full post

A generic reduce function in C#

A reduce function is a function that traverses over some input data (usually a set of objects) and produces a single output value. An example use would be finding the average age in a set of people. Here I’ll show how to build a generic reduce function in C#. This is not necessarily good code, but it is a nice practice with generics and delegates.  read full post

So I found a blog engine...

So I found a blog engine that will run on ASP.NET. Why? So I can run it from my own server, which is the very slow piece of hardware trying to serve you these pages.  read full post