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There’s an early-game puzzle in SHENZHEN I/O called “BRING OUT THE BARON!!” that has you designing a simple personal scorekeeper for a drinking game. This assignment comes in through Joe, obviously.  read full post

Unlocking SQL Server Management Studio's hidden dark theme

If there’s one minor annoyance I have with SQL Server Management Studio, it’s how it looks. Specifically how bright it looks. This becomes obvious when using SSMS side-by-side with Visual Studio. Of course, Visual Studio has come with a dark theme since version 2012, which is how it should be for all IDEs. I mean, look at it:  read full post

Static variables, constructors, and JIT optimizations

We ran into an interesting problem at work the other day. A unit test was always passing locally, but failing on the build server. Here’s a minimal reproduction of the code involved, so we can take a look at what went wrong.  read full post

TIS-100, final part

It’s time to bite the bullet and grind our way through the final puzzles of TIS-100.  read full post

TIS-100, part 4

It’s time for some ASCII art with the TIS-100!  read full post

TIS-100, part 3

More fake assembly programming with TIS-100!  read full post

TIS-100, part 2

Let’s continue our TIS-100 adventure, and see if we can make it out of tutorial land today.  read full post