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TIS-100, part 3
More fake assembly programming with TIS-100! read full post
TIS-100, part 2
Let’s continue our TIS-100 adventure, and see if we can make it out of tutorial land today. read full post
TIS-100, part 1
Once upon a time, I played a game called SHENZHEN I/O. I wrote some blog posts about it (1, 2, 3, 4), but stopped after a while. This wasn’t due to me getting bored with the game. On the contrary. I was writing my posts as I went, but the game was so much fun that I didn’t want to take breaks in between puzzles in order to write about them for my blog. I have in fact long since completed the main storyline, but I just haven’t found the motivation to write about it. read full post
Azure Essentials: getting started with Search Services with SQL Server and ASP.NET MVC Core
In this post about the very basics of Microsoft Azure, I’ll show how to provision and use Azure’s search-as-a-service offering to index and search contents from an Azure SQL Server database. I’ll also show how to talk to the search service from an ASP.NET MVC Core application. I’m assuming you’ve already got the database for this, as well as an existing MVC app. read full post
Azure Essentials: getting started with Cosmos DB
In this post about the very basics of Microsoft Azure, I’ll show how to use Cosmos DB to store unstructured documents in the cloud. I’ll also show how to talk to this database from an MVC Core 2 application. read full post
Azure Essentials: getting started with Table Storage
In this post about the very basics of Microsoft Azure, I’ll show how to get started with Table Storage. The Table Storage is a key/value store for non-relational structured data. It offers especially high performance on inserts, and is a good option to use for logging. read full post
Azure Essentials: getting started with Blob Storage
In this post about the very basics of Microsoft Azure, I’ll show how to upload and download files from a Blob Storage account using an ASP.NET MVC Core 2 application. I assume you have an existing MVC application to use. read full post