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C# 7: what's new?

Visual Studio 2017 hit RTM this week, so it’s time to take a look at all the new features that made it into C# version 7. There’s quite a lot to get through, so let’s dive right in…  read full post

Implementing an async producer/consumer queue using BlockingCollection

In this post, I’d like to shine some light on a relatively unknown class from the .NET framework: BlockingCollection. I’ll use this powerful class to implement an asynchronous, multi-threaded, in-memory producer/consumer queue using just a few lines of code.  read full post

Fireworks in the fog

With New Year’s Eve upon us once more, I suddenly realized that because I now own a camera, I’m required by law to take pictures of the fireworks. It would prove quite the challenge. I had never taken pictures of fireworks before, and I obviously didn’t get any time to practice. I read some tips online, set up my tripod, and hoped for the best.  read full post

Algorithmic complexity: when does it matter?

I watched an interesting video the other day about the coding interview process at Google. I don’t know how accurate of a representation this is (the problem seems a bit easy), but it was interesting non the less. They have the following question:  read full post

Creating and publishing a simple NuGet package

I publish my first NuGet package the other day, and I figured I’d do a short write-up of the steps involved. It’s actually really easy, there are no difficult technical challenges to overcome here, nor are there challenges of any kind. So, this post is mainly meant as just a quick reference for myself, in case I decide to publish more stuff in the future.  read full post

iOptron SkyTracker Pro first impressions

As someone who’s into astronomy but is also quite lazy, I occasionally set up my DSLR on my balcony to take some shots of the night sky. It’s a low-effort way of getting some nice views, in spite of all the light pollution we’ve got going on here. Until recently, I worked with a static tripod, which means I was very limited in my exposure times. To rectify this particular shortcoming in my setup, I recently got myself an iOptron SkyTracker Pro, which is a very affordable camera tracking mount. I thought I’d use this post to share some of my first impressions.  read full post

GLOW in black & white

I posted some of my GLOW photos the other week. I think they turned out alright and I was going to leave it at that. But then someone went ahead and suggested that some of those shots might look better in black and white. And… they do. Well, sometimes, at least. This has been a bit of an experiment for me, and I haven’t quite decided yet on whether I like the results. Regardless, here are some of my GLOW shots, in black and white:  read full post